Fishing Tools & Rental
Wash-Over Pipe | Spears | Mills | Guides | Cut-Lip Guides | Boot Baskets | Junk Baskets | Stabilizers | Pup Joints | Lift Subs | Casing Cutters & Arms
![drill pipe](_images/fishing-tools.jpg)
Holly Pipe Corporation can fulfill any customer specification for fishing tools and rental services such as wash-over pipe shoes and extentions, spears, mills, cut-lip guides, boot and junk baskets, stabilizers, pup joints, lift subs and casing cutters and arms. Drillers working in the oil and gas, utility, geothermal, water well, horizontal directional drilling (HDD), and trenchless underground construction industries rely on Holly Pipe for dependable drill pipe and manufacturing services required to maintain a drill string and reduce downtime in the field. Holly Pipe's experienced and knowledgable sales team can help you choose the right drilling tools and equipment for your needs.
Wash-Over Pipe Shoes & Extensions
![nst tool joints](_images/fishing-tools-wash-over-shoes.jpg)
A wash-over pipe shoe is a short threaded pipe (3') that typically goes over "stuck" drill pipe. Wash pipe generally "washes-over" and loosens up the formation that is preventing the drill pipe from turning.
A wash-over pipe shoe extension is used to allow the wash-over bit to swallow more of the stuck tubular during the wash-over process.
![flush joint drill pipe](_images/fishing-tools-spears.jpg)
A spear is a tool used to center up on the internal section of a broken or stuck tubular "fish," screw into it, and pull out the remaining down-hole assembly.
A mill is a tool used to mill down on top of broken or sharp-edged drill pipe or casing and allow the cuttings to flow back up to surface. Mills also are used to clean up the top of the casing area to allow an easy fit for extraction tools.
![heavy weight drill pipe](_images/fishing-tools-guides-extensions.jpg)
A guide is a tool used to wash out and prevent skin friction.
Cut-Lip Guides
![heavy weight drill pipe](_images/fishing-tools-cut-lip-guides.jpg)
A cut-lip guide is a tool used to swallow the top of the stuck drill pipe or casing by rotating and using the single "cut-lip" to go over the outside.
Boot Baskets
![HDD utility drill pipe](_images/fishing-tools-boot-baskets.jpg)
A boot basket is a tool used to run on top of a junk mill in order to catch cuttings. The boot basket pulls the cuttings inside the cavities and carries them to the surface.
Junk Baskets
![Water well drill string design](_images/fishing-tools-junk-baskets.jpg)
A junk basket is a tool used to swallow the piece intended for catching by folding underneath and pulling up.
![wash over pipe casing](_images/fishing-tools-stabilizers.jpg)
A stabilizer typically centers the drill pipe or collars upon the drilling operation and is used to prevent wearing out casing and down-hole tooling.
Pup Joints
![Water well drill string design](_images/fishing-tools-pup-joints.jpg)
A pup joint is a short piece of drill pipe used to lengthen drill string in order to compensate for tooling by an increment of 3'-15' per joint.
Lift Subs
![Water well drill string design](_images/fishing-tools-lift-subs.jpg)
A lift sub is a tool typically used to screw into the collar section of the drill string in order to provide an elevator area if the elevator is unable to grab.
Casing Cutters & Arms
![Water well drill string design](_images/fishing-tools-casing-cutters.jpg)
A casing cutter is a mechanical or hydraulic tool which enables the driller to reach a certain depth and cut the casing for removal. Casing cutters typically have extendable arms that reach the inside diameter in order to rotate and cut through the casing wall.
![Water well drill string design](_images/fishing-tools-casing-cutter-arms.jpg)
For more information please contact us.